Land for Sale- Vacant Lot Near Lake Gage- Orland, Indiana, Steuben County. .74 acre (2 lots combined 1540 & 1541) Lot on the corner of North 675 W and Muir Road wraps around the property on the north and east sides for multiple access points and sits just outside of the Walden Woods Community. This lot is across the road from Lime Lake and only a mile or so down the road from Lake Gage! Lake James and Pokagon State Park are just a few miles east, while Orland is located just to the west. There is an additional two lots of similar size combined just to the south the owner will be listing as well. No single-wide trailers, but double-wides and manufactured homes are allowed. There is a beautiful view of the countryside across the road, and this lot is a little more elevated compared to the surrounding terrain.